Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
February 10, 2009
More on Orza

The story on Gene Orza has gone from "Gene tipped off players about drug tests" to "Gene selectively told players they were on the government seized list."

Either way, according to two sources close to players, Orza's mission was obvious and widely known among the players.

"If Orza was looking for you, he was letting you know you failed a test," said one source. "The players found it odd because they thought it was supposed to be confidential. It was like he was on a crusade to warn people."

"Orza was going around in the Yankee locker room and letting players know," another source said. "At one point he was asking where he could find A-Rod."

If Orza only told players who tested positive about the list, then he was tipping without tipping. I don't have a real problem with that, however. The whole idea of testing, after all, was to drive the drugs out of the sport. If positive tests in 2003 did that, it's a good outcome.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:30 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)
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