Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
February 18, 2008
I Wonder if They'll Name the Procedure After Him?

Via FishStripes, Cody Ross overcame a hamstring injury with the help of injections:

Steadman asked Ross if he wanted to undergo a procedure. Basically, Ross had blood withdrawn from his arm. It was placed into what he calls a "high-tech machine" that cleans out the blood, leaving in the cells that help healing. The blood was then injected directly into Ross' hamstring. He received three or four of the injections.

He's better. I wonder if these with be called the Cody Ross Injections?

Posted by David Pinto at 11:35 AM | Injuries | TrackBack (0)

Isn't this just a variation of blood doping?

Posted by: Dave at February 18, 2008 12:25 PM

Seriously, isn't he taking a performance enhancing drug?

Posted by: Tyler at February 18, 2008 12:40 PM

Hard to say what this is since all we have to go on is "high tech machine that cleans out the blood." But blood doping is a transfusion where blood with an artificially high number of red blood cells is put back into the body to enhance the person's ability to oxygenate his/her muscles.

That little article blurb says that the procedure leaves in the elements of blood that encourage healing...not entirely sure what those are...maybe white blood cells and platelets? I don't know enough about the body but maybe the procedure is designed to harvest those cells that repair damaged tissue so they might be applied directly to the part of the body that needs them? So yeah, it does kind of sound like a variation of blood doping...but I don't really know whether I personally would consider it cheating...especially since it hasn't actually been banned anywhere yet.

Posted by: the other josh at February 18, 2008 12:48 PM

I'm beginning to think that regulators are trying to keep themselves in business.
Seriously, the line that gets crossed to make procedures illegal is incredibly (and increasingly) arbitrary.

Posted by: WeWanttheFunk at February 18, 2008 02:25 PM
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