Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
March 07, 2007
Schilling Blogs

Via Deadspin, Curt Schilling now blogs.

Here's some suggestions:

  • Put up a blog roll. What are you reading, Curt? Remember, this is a conversation.
  • Put blank lines between your paragraphs for ease of reading.

And keep the in-game stuff coming:

So we're into the fourth inning, and the inevitable happens. I start Cuddyer off with a curve ball-strike one. My thought as the pitch is being called is, "OK, anything but a fastball here." Tek puts down fastball in, I shake no. Tek puts it down again, which means he feels great about the pitch. At this point the ONLY thing to do is commit to the pitch and throw it as I called it or step off. I do neither. Mentally I think no, but physically I nod yes. In the middle of my windup I'm thinking, "OK, you idiot, why the hell are you throwing this pitch?" About ten seconds later, when the ball lands over the left-field wall, I'm dropping words I'd put soap in my kids' mouths for saying.

Welcome to the public conversation.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:36 PM | Blogs | TrackBack (0)

Oh, so it's Tek's fault? And if Schill deserves any blame for the pitch, it's because he wasn't absolutely committed to it? Sounds like his neocon buddies talking about Iraq.

As Grady Little might have said, "Mistakes were made."

Posted by: jvwalt at March 7, 2007 10:23 PM

Sure Schil, you never make any mistakes. You're just sooo perfect.

Posted by: Yamen at March 8, 2007 12:02 AM

This can only end very very badly for Mr. Schilling.

Posted by: Ben K. at March 8, 2007 12:26 AM

That's an insight you rarely if ever get, I find it very interesting. And I don't think he is blaming Varitek as much as he is blaming himself for not choosing one of the other two options.

Posted by: Dan at March 8, 2007 01:42 AM

I would rather spend the rest of my life in purgatory than have to listen or read one word that comes from this egomaniacal blowhard.

Posted by: Jason McAdams at March 8, 2007 03:19 AM

Actually I would suggest you read his comments especially #70, Curt did not blame Tek and he went in depth when someone asked him. As usual I think that most of the people in Mass have a problem with his politics and just like BDS that effects their opinion of Curt.

Posted by: Wayne at March 8, 2007 07:18 AM

I think it is great that Curt FINALLY has a forum for his opinions!!! We need them now more than ever!!!!


Posted by: robustyoungsoul at March 8, 2007 07:41 AM

He's a regular poster on Sons of Sam Horn, especially in the off-season. His handle is G38.

Posted by: Another Dave at March 8, 2007 09:32 AM

Curt is dead on - he blames himself, and he should have. The catcher can suggest, but the pitcher has the final decision as he has the ball. He either had to force Tek to accept a different pitch, or convince himself that Tek was right and give 100% to the pitch - he did neither

Posted by: John Hitchens at March 8, 2007 10:22 AM

"There is nothing worse than throwing any pitch with less than 100% commitment." -- Tom Seaver, in The Art of Pitching.

That's essentially what Schilling's saying here. It was true when Seaver said it, and it's still true, regardless of how much of a loudmouth Schilling is.

(On my first quick readthrough, I thought he was calling Varitek an idiot, but it's clear, reading more closely, that he's really calling himself an idiot.)

Posted by: cwp at March 8, 2007 11:06 AM

Or maybe Tek isn't very good at calling games.

Posted by: Nate at March 8, 2007 11:43 AM

I find some of the comments here shrieking about how much they hate reading Schilling to be PERVERSE. The guy is articulate, chatty, gives us insight into how pitchers think...what exactly is the problem? That he kind of has a big mouth?

I swear there are tons of people out there who primarily hold his political affiliations against him, and are bitching about his talkativeness as a proxy for that. I can't think of any other worse. If this is what a spotlight hog sounds like, then more please.

Posted by: Jeff B. at March 8, 2007 02:51 PM
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