Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
September 19, 2006
Wild West Night

I'm sorry I didn't stay up to watch the Padres/Dodgers game. It was a mostly calm affair early. The Padres picked up four runs on four hits and a walk in the first, including extra-base hits by the former New Yorkers, Piazza and Cameron. But the Dodgers worked their way back, and by the end of three the score was tied at 4-4. It stayed that way until the eighth. The starters were gone early, each after five, and both bullpens put up scoreless innings in the sixth and seventh.

The in the eighth, the Padres broke the tie, scoring two runs on two hits and a walk. The Dodgers cut the lead in half with an Anderson triple and a Betemit single. Then in the ninth, the Padres poured it on. Three hits, a sacrifice and a sacrifice fly plated three runs, and put the Padres up 9-5.

With a five run lead, it's not a save situation, so don't bother with Trevor Hoffman. Adkins enters and allows back-to-back home runs by Kent and Drew. Now it is a save situation, so bring in the closer. Some of Adkins must have worn off on the veteran, however, as he allows back-to-back home runs to Martin and Anderson! The Dodgers hit four home runs in a row to tie the game! Even Vin Scully might have gotten excited about that! Hoffman got the next three batters, so on to extra innings.

The Padres' offense was not done, however. Josh Bard picks up his second hit in as many innings, scoring Giles to put the Padres back on top 10-9. Josh goes two for three on the night after entering as a pinch hitter and staying in to catch. Bochy hands the game over to Rudy Seanez.

Rudy strikesout a lot of batters, but he walks a lot also. This evening, he walks leadoff man Kenny Lofton. That bring Nomar Garciaparra to the plate. Nomar, along with Frank Thomas, was one of the steals of the off season. Seanez continued to have control problems, and falls behind Nomar 3-1. I'm guessing Nomar was looking fastball and got one. He homered to left, and the Dodgers walk off with an 11-10 win, and first place in the NL West.

Jon Weisman offers his thought, (including Vin Scully's call). Weisman:

Perhaps the greatest game at Dodger Stadium since, or including, the September 11, 1983 game. The moment doesn't surpass Kirk Gibson, maybe not even Steve Finley, factoring in context. But the game surpasses their games. The game was stunning.

Seven home runs, tying a Dodger Stadium home record - practically a footnote.

How can you not be trembling?

Ducksnorts saw the game as a difference of prepositions, to the wall for the Padres, over the wall for the Dodgers.

Fantastic game. Luckily for the Padres, everyone else in the wild card race lost last night, so they come out of the night in first place by 1 1/2 games for a playoff spot.

Update: Great quote from Marlon Anderson, the player who hit the fourth home run in a row (the last three coming on consecutive pitches):

"That was absolutely the most wonderful game I have ever seen in my life," Anderson said. "It is the best thing that's ever happened to me on a baseball field."

Posted by David Pinto at 07:00 AM | Games | TrackBack (0)

I went to bed after the eighth, figuring the game was in the hands of Hoffman, and we'd be okay. But by bringing in Adkins, who had warmed up in the bullpen 3 times already, the die was cast.
Waking up and reading the headlines has ruined my morning.
But the question is, how will both teams react to this? Will the Padres go into a funk? Will the Dodgers catch fire? This is where teams show their mettle.
Made me sick.

Posted by: mike at September 19, 2006 10:11 AM

this makes up oh so mch for the game the padres came back on the dodgers way back at the end of April, only this was oh so sweeter

i turned it off in disgust, and then decided to turn it back on to watch the bottom of the 9th, to be rewarded to a great Dodger win

to quote Scully

"oh, did I mention the Dodgers are back in 1st place"

Posted by: Brandon at September 19, 2006 10:44 AM

Earlier in the game the Dodgers had loaded the bases with nobody out and then failed to score... who knew at the time that that inning would be barely a footnote in that game?

Posted by: Adam Villani at September 19, 2006 02:48 PM

Strange Game - probably SDs worst game of the season - two runners caught stealing to end innings, a bad performance by the SP (peavy) a terrible 9th (the first time all year the Pads have allowed a 4-run 9th inning lead slip away). Terrible game all around, and at a terrible time. I am just glad the Pads rebounded tonight and reclaimed, if just for a day, first place. It's a crazy year. I always guessed the Dosgers would win; superior payroll and talent. I'm just glad San Diego is making it a fight.

Posted by: david at September 20, 2006 01:29 AM
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