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Baseball Musings Lineup Analysis

Based on work by Cyril Morong (and here), Ken Arneson and Ryan Armbrust

Fill in nine players, OBA and Slugging Percentage, then press submit.

Player NameOBASlugging
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:
Player 7:
Player 8:
Player 9:
1989-2002 Model:
1959-2004 Model:

Runs per game for above lineup: 4.449.

Best Lineups
Runs per Game123456789
4.517 Mauer Hunter Dozier Arcia Plouffe Vargas Santana Suzuki Hicks
4.516 Mauer Hunter Suzuki Arcia Dozier Vargas Plouffe Santana Hicks
4.516 Mauer Vargas Dozier Arcia Hunter Plouffe Santana Suzuki Hicks
4.516 Mauer Hunter Dozier Arcia Vargas Plouffe Santana Suzuki Hicks
4.515 Mauer Plouffe Dozier Arcia Hunter Vargas Santana Suzuki Hicks
4.515 Mauer Hunter Santana Arcia Dozier Vargas Plouffe Suzuki Hicks
4.515 Mauer Hunter Dozier Arcia Plouffe Santana Vargas Suzuki Hicks
4.515 Mauer Vargas Dozier Arcia Hunter Santana Plouffe Suzuki Hicks
4.515 Mauer Hunter Suzuki Arcia Dozier Plouffe Vargas Santana Hicks
4.515 Mauer Hunter Dozier Arcia Vargas Santana Plouffe Suzuki Hicks
4.514 Mauer Hunter Santana Arcia Dozier Plouffe Vargas Suzuki Hicks
4.513 Mauer Plouffe Dozier Arcia Hunter Santana Vargas Suzuki Hicks
4.513 Mauer Hunter Dozier Arcia Santana Vargas Plouffe Suzuki Hicks
4.513 Mauer Hunter Plouffe Arcia Dozier Vargas Santana Suzuki Hicks
4.512 Mauer Hunter Dozier Arcia Plouffe Vargas Suzuki Santana Hicks
4.512 Mauer Hunter Dozier Arcia Santana Plouffe Vargas Suzuki Hicks
4.511 Mauer Dozier Suzuki Arcia Hunter Vargas Plouffe Santana Hicks
4.511 Mauer Vargas Dozier Arcia Hunter Plouffe Suzuki Santana Hicks
4.511 Mauer Hunter Dozier Arcia Vargas Plouffe Suzuki Santana Hicks
4.511 Mauer Hunter Suzuki Arcia Plouffe Vargas Dozier Santana Hicks
4.510 Mauer Plouffe Dozier Arcia Hunter Vargas Suzuki Santana Hicks
4.510 Mauer Hunter Plouffe Arcia Dozier Santana Vargas Suzuki Hicks
4.510 Mauer Dozier Santana Arcia Hunter Vargas Plouffe Suzuki Hicks
4.510 Mauer Hunter Dozier Arcia Suzuki Vargas Plouffe Santana Hicks
4.510 Mauer Arcia Dozier Vargas Hunter Plouffe Santana Suzuki Hicks
4.510 Mauer Dozier Suzuki Arcia Hunter Plouffe Vargas Santana Hicks
4.510 Mauer Hunter Santana Arcia Plouffe Vargas Dozier Suzuki Hicks
4.509 Mauer Vargas Suzuki Arcia Hunter Plouffe Dozier Santana Hicks
4.509 Mauer Arcia Dozier Vargas Hunter Santana Plouffe Suzuki Hicks
4.509 Mauer Dozier Santana Arcia Hunter Plouffe Vargas Suzuki Hicks

Worst Lineups
Runs per Game123456789
4.247 Vargas Suzuki Plouffe Hicks Santana Mauer Dozier Hunter Arcia
4.247 Plouffe Suzuki Vargas Hicks Santana Mauer Dozier Hunter Arcia
4.248 Vargas Suzuki Plouffe Hicks Santana Dozier Hunter Mauer Arcia
4.248 Plouffe Suzuki Vargas Hicks Santana Dozier Hunter Mauer Arcia
4.248 Santana Suzuki Vargas Hicks Plouffe Mauer Dozier Hunter Arcia
4.249 Vargas Santana Plouffe Hicks Suzuki Mauer Dozier Hunter Arcia
4.249 Plouffe Santana Vargas Hicks Suzuki Mauer Dozier Hunter Arcia
4.249 Santana Suzuki Vargas Hicks Plouffe Dozier Hunter Mauer Arcia
4.250 Vargas Santana Plouffe Hicks Suzuki Dozier Hunter Mauer Arcia
4.250 Plouffe Santana Vargas Hicks Suzuki Dozier Hunter Mauer Arcia
4.250 Vargas Suzuki Plouffe Hicks Santana Hunter Dozier Mauer Arcia
4.250 Plouffe Suzuki Vargas Hicks Santana Hunter Dozier Mauer Arcia
4.252 Santana Suzuki Vargas Hicks Plouffe Hunter Dozier Mauer Arcia
4.252 Vargas Suzuki Hunter Hicks Santana Dozier Plouffe Mauer Arcia
4.252 Santana Suzuki Plouffe Hicks Vargas Mauer Dozier Hunter Arcia
4.252 Vargas Santana Plouffe Hicks Suzuki Hunter Dozier Mauer Arcia
4.252 Plouffe Santana Vargas Hicks Suzuki Hunter Dozier Mauer Arcia
4.253 Santana Suzuki Plouffe Hicks Vargas Dozier Hunter Mauer Arcia
4.254 Santana Suzuki Vargas Hicks Dozier Mauer Plouffe Hunter Arcia
4.254 Vargas Santana Hunter Hicks Suzuki Dozier Plouffe Mauer Arcia
4.254 Santana Plouffe Vargas Hicks Suzuki Mauer Dozier Hunter Arcia
4.254 Vargas Suzuki Santana Hicks Plouffe Mauer Dozier Hunter Arcia
4.254 Vargas Suzuki Plouffe Hicks Santana Dozier Mauer Hunter Arcia
4.254 Plouffe Suzuki Vargas Hicks Santana Dozier Mauer Hunter Arcia
4.254 Vargas Hicks Plouffe Suzuki Santana Mauer Dozier Hunter Arcia
4.254 Plouffe Hicks Vargas Suzuki Santana Mauer Dozier Hunter Arcia
4.255 Vargas Suzuki Hunter Hicks Santana Plouffe Dozier Mauer Arcia
4.255 Santana Plouffe Vargas Hicks Suzuki Dozier Hunter Mauer Arcia
4.255 Vargas Suzuki Santana Hicks Plouffe Dozier Hunter Mauer Arcia
4.255 Santana Suzuki Plouffe Hicks Vargas Hunter Dozier Mauer Arcia
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