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Baseball Musings Lineup Analysis

Based on work by Cyril Morong (and here), Ken Arneson and Ryan Armbrust

Fill in nine players, OBA and Slugging Percentage, then press submit.

Player NameOBASlugging
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:
Player 7:
Player 8:
Player 9:
1989-2002 Model:
1959-2004 Model:

Runs per game for above lineup: 4.738.

Best Lineups
Runs per Game123456789
4.969 David Wright Jason Bay David Murphy Carlos Beltran Jose Reyes Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.967 David Wright Jason Bay David Murphy Carlos Beltran Jose Reyes Jeff Francoeur Rod Barajas Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.965 David Wright Carlos Beltran David Murphy Jason Bay Jose Reyes Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.963 David Wright Jose Reyes David Murphy Jason Bay Carlos Beltran Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.963 David Wright Jose Reyes David Murphy Carlos Beltran Jason Bay Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.962 David Wright Carlos Beltran David Murphy Jason Bay Jose Reyes Jeff Francoeur Rod Barajas Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.961 David Wright Jason Bay Jeff Francoeur Carlos Beltran Jose Reyes Rod Barajas David Murphy Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.961 David Wright Jose Reyes David Murphy Jason Bay Carlos Beltran Jeff Francoeur Rod Barajas Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.960 David Wright Jose Reyes David Murphy Carlos Beltran Jason Bay Jeff Francoeur Rod Barajas Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.960 David Wright Jason Bay Jose Reyes Carlos Beltran David Murphy Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.959 David Wright Jason Bay David Murphy Jose Reyes Carlos Beltran Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.958 David Wright Jason Bay Jose Reyes Jeff Francoeur Carlos Beltran Rod Barajas David Murphy Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.958 David Wright Jason Bay Jose Reyes David Murphy Carlos Beltran Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.957 David Wright Jason Bay Jose Reyes Carlos Beltran David Murphy Jeff Francoeur Rod Barajas Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.957 David Wright Jason Bay Carlos Beltran Jeff Francoeur Jose Reyes Rod Barajas David Murphy Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.957 David Wright Carlos Beltran Jeff Francoeur Jason Bay Jose Reyes Rod Barajas David Murphy Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.957 David Wright Jason Bay David Murphy Jose Reyes Carlos Beltran Jeff Francoeur Rod Barajas Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.956 David Wright Jason Bay Carlos Beltran David Murphy Jose Reyes Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.956 David Wright Jason Bay Jeff Francoeur Carlos Beltran Jose Reyes David Murphy Rod Barajas Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.956 Jose Reyes Jason Bay David Murphy Carlos Beltran David Wright Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.955 David Wright Jose Reyes Jeff Francoeur Jason Bay Carlos Beltran Rod Barajas David Murphy Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.955 David Wright Jason Bay Jose Reyes David Murphy Carlos Beltran Jeff Francoeur Rod Barajas Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.955 Jose Reyes David Wright David Murphy Jason Bay Carlos Beltran Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.955 David Wright Carlos Beltran Jose Reyes Jason Bay David Murphy Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.955 David Wright Jose Reyes Jeff Francoeur Carlos Beltran Jason Bay Rod Barajas David Murphy Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.955 Jose Reyes David Wright David Murphy Carlos Beltran Jason Bay Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.954 Jason Bay David Wright David Murphy Carlos Beltran Jose Reyes Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.954 David Wright Carlos Beltran David Murphy Jose Reyes Jason Bay Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.954 David Wright Jason Bay Carlos Beltran David Murphy Jose Reyes Jeff Francoeur Rod Barajas Pitcher Luis Castillo
4.953 Jose Reyes Jason Bay David Murphy Carlos Beltran David Wright Jeff Francoeur Rod Barajas Pitcher Luis Castillo

Worst Lineups
Runs per Game123456789
4.305 Pitcher Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Luis Castillo David Murphy David Wright Jose Reyes Jason Bay Carlos Beltran
4.305 Pitcher Rod Barajas David Murphy Luis Castillo Jeff Francoeur David Wright Jose Reyes Jason Bay Carlos Beltran
4.305 Pitcher Rod Barajas Carlos Beltran Luis Castillo David Murphy David Wright Jose Reyes Jason Bay Jeff Francoeur
4.305 Pitcher Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Luis Castillo David Murphy Jose Reyes Carlos Beltran David Wright Jason Bay
4.305 Pitcher Rod Barajas David Murphy Luis Castillo Jeff Francoeur Jose Reyes Carlos Beltran David Wright Jason Bay
4.306 Pitcher Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Luis Castillo David Murphy Jose Reyes Jason Bay David Wright Carlos Beltran
4.306 Pitcher Rod Barajas David Murphy Luis Castillo Jeff Francoeur Jose Reyes Jason Bay David Wright Carlos Beltran
4.306 Pitcher Rod Barajas Carlos Beltran Luis Castillo David Murphy Jose Reyes Jason Bay David Wright Jeff Francoeur
4.307 Pitcher Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Luis Castillo David Murphy Jose Reyes David Wright Jason Bay Carlos Beltran
4.307 Pitcher Rod Barajas David Murphy Luis Castillo Jeff Francoeur Jose Reyes David Wright Jason Bay Carlos Beltran
4.307 Pitcher Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Luis Castillo David Murphy Jason Bay Jose Reyes David Wright Carlos Beltran
4.307 Pitcher Rod Barajas David Murphy Luis Castillo Jeff Francoeur Jason Bay Jose Reyes David Wright Carlos Beltran
4.307 Pitcher Rod Barajas Carlos Beltran Luis Castillo David Murphy Jose Reyes David Wright Jason Bay Jeff Francoeur
4.307 Pitcher David Murphy Jeff Francoeur Luis Castillo Rod Barajas David Wright Jose Reyes Jason Bay Carlos Beltran
4.307 Pitcher Rod Barajas Carlos Beltran Luis Castillo David Murphy Jason Bay Jose Reyes David Wright Jeff Francoeur
4.308 Pitcher David Murphy Carlos Beltran Luis Castillo Rod Barajas David Wright Jose Reyes Jason Bay Jeff Francoeur
4.308 Pitcher Rod Barajas Jeff Francoeur Luis Castillo David Murphy Carlos Beltran Jose Reyes David Wright Jason Bay
4.308 Pitcher Rod Barajas David Murphy Luis Castillo Jeff Francoeur Carlos Beltran Jose Reyes David Wright Jason Bay
4.308 Pitcher David Murphy Jeff Francoeur Luis Castillo Rod Barajas Jose Reyes Carlos Beltran David Wright Jason Bay
4.308 Pitcher Jeff Francoeur David Murphy Luis Castillo Rod Barajas David Wright Jose Reyes Jason Bay Carlos Beltran
4.309 Pitcher Jeff Francoeur David Murphy Luis Castillo Rod Barajas Jose Reyes Carlos Beltran David Wright Jason Bay
4.309 Pitcher David Murphy Jeff Francoeur Luis Castillo Rod Barajas Jose Reyes Jason Bay David Wright Carlos Beltran
4.309 Pitcher Rod Barajas Carlos Beltran Luis Castillo Jeff Francoeur Jose Reyes David Murphy David Wright Jason Bay
4.309 Pitcher David Murphy Carlos Beltran Luis Castillo Rod Barajas Jose Reyes Jason Bay David Wright Jeff Francoeur
4.309 Pitcher Jeff Francoeur David Murphy Luis Castillo Rod Barajas Jose Reyes Jason Bay David Wright Carlos Beltran
4.310 Pitcher David Murphy Jeff Francoeur Luis Castillo Rod Barajas Jose Reyes David Wright Jason Bay Carlos Beltran
4.310 Pitcher David Murphy Jeff Francoeur Luis Castillo Rod Barajas Jason Bay Jose Reyes David Wright Carlos Beltran
4.310 Pitcher David Murphy Carlos Beltran Luis Castillo Rod Barajas Jose Reyes David Wright Jason Bay Jeff Francoeur
4.310 Pitcher David Murphy Carlos Beltran Luis Castillo Rod Barajas Jason Bay Jose Reyes David Wright Jeff Francoeur
4.311 Pitcher Jeff Francoeur David Murphy Luis Castillo Rod Barajas Jose Reyes David Wright Jason Bay Carlos Beltran
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