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Baseball Musings Lineup Analysis

Based on work by Cyril Morong (and here), Ken Arneson and Ryan Armbrust

Fill in nine players, OBA and Slugging Percentage, then press submit.

Player NameOBASlugging
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:
Player 7:
Player 8:
Player 9:
1989-2002 Model:
1959-2004 Model:

Runs per game for above lineup: 10523.849.

Best Lineups
Runs per Game123456789
10700.285 Esco BAUTISTA E5 Brett Fucking Lawrie Lind J.P. Thames Hill Rasmus
10697.835 Esco BAUTISTA E5 Lind Brett Fucking Lawrie J.P. Thames Hill Rasmus
10695.203 Esco BAUTISTA Thames Brett Fucking Lawrie Lind J.P. E5 Hill Rasmus
10694.826 Esco BAUTISTA E5 Brett Fucking Lawrie Lind Thames J.P. Hill Rasmus
10692.753 Esco BAUTISTA Thames Lind Brett Fucking Lawrie J.P. E5 Hill Rasmus
10692.551 Esco BAUTISTA E5 Brett Fucking Lawrie Thames J.P. Lind Hill Rasmus
10692.376 Esco BAUTISTA E5 Lind Brett Fucking Lawrie Thames J.P. Hill Rasmus
10691.513 Esco BAUTISTA E5 Thames Brett Fucking Lawrie J.P. Lind Hill Rasmus
10691.374 Esco BAUTISTA Lind Brett Fucking Lawrie E5 J.P. Thames Hill Rasmus
10690.978 Esco BAUTISTA Lind Brett Fucking Lawrie Thames J.P. E5 Hill Rasmus
10690.602 BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie Rasmus Thames Lind J.P. E5 Hill Esco
10690.276 BAUTISTA Lind Rasmus Brett Fucking Lawrie E5 J.P. Thames Hill Esco
10689.940 Esco BAUTISTA Lind Thames Brett Fucking Lawrie J.P. E5 Hill Rasmus
10689.880 BAUTISTA Lind Rasmus Brett Fucking Lawrie Thames J.P. E5 Hill Esco
10689.586 BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie Rasmus Lind E5 J.P. Thames Hill Esco
10689.190 BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie Rasmus Lind Thames J.P. E5 Hill Esco
10688.842 BAUTISTA Lind Rasmus Thames Brett Fucking Lawrie J.P. E5 Hill Esco
10688.231 BAUTISTA Thames Rasmus Brett Fucking Lawrie Lind J.P. E5 Hill Esco
10688.153 Esco BAUTISTA E5 Thames Lind J.P. Brett Fucking Lawrie Hill Rasmus
10688.138 Esco BAUTISTA Thames Brett Fucking Lawrie Lind E5 J.P. Hill Rasmus
10687.865 Esco BAUTISTA Thames Brett Fucking Lawrie E5 J.P. Lind Hill Rasmus
10687.031 BAUTISTA Lind E5 Brett Fucking Lawrie Esco J.P. Thames Hill Rasmus
10686.741 Esco BAUTISTA E5 Lind Thames J.P. Brett Fucking Lawrie Hill Rasmus
10686.341 BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie E5 Lind Esco J.P. Thames Hill Rasmus
10686.180 Esco BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie Thames Lind J.P. E5 Hill Rasmus
10686.112 Esco BAUTISTA E5 Brett Fucking Lawrie Thames Lind J.P. Hill Rasmus
10686.053 BAUTISTA E5 Rasmus Brett Fucking Lawrie Lind J.P. Thames Hill Esco
10685.915 Esco BAUTISTA Lind Brett Fucking Lawrie E5 Thames J.P. Hill Rasmus
10685.781 BAUTISTA Thames Rasmus Lind Brett Fucking Lawrie J.P. E5 Hill Esco
10685.688 Esco BAUTISTA Thames Lind Brett Fucking Lawrie E5 J.P. Hill Rasmus

Worst Lineups
Runs per Game123456789
10109.160 J.P. Hill Thames Rasmus E5 Esco Lind BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10110.526 J.P. Rasmus Thames Hill E5 Esco Lind BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10112.273 J.P. Hill Lind Rasmus Thames Esco E5 BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10112.445 J.P. E5 Lind Hill Thames Esco Rasmus BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10112.669 J.P. Hill Lind Rasmus E5 Esco Thames BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10113.425 J.P. Hill Thames Rasmus E5 Esco Brett Fucking Lawrie BAUTISTA Lind
10113.639 J.P. Rasmus Lind Hill Thames Esco E5 BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10113.846 J.P. Hill E5 Rasmus Thames Esco Lind BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10114.035 J.P. Rasmus Lind Hill E5 Esco Thames BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10114.042 J.P. Hill Brett Fucking Lawrie Rasmus E5 Esco Lind BAUTISTA Thames
10114.264 J.P. E5 Thames Hill Rasmus Esco Lind BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10114.442 J.P. Hill Lind Rasmus E5 Esco Brett Fucking Lawrie BAUTISTA Thames
10114.791 J.P. Rasmus Thames Hill E5 Esco Brett Fucking Lawrie BAUTISTA Lind
10115.019 J.P. Thames Lind Hill E5 Esco Rasmus BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10115.212 J.P. Rasmus E5 Hill Thames Esco Lind BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10115.408 J.P. Rasmus Brett Fucking Lawrie Hill E5 Esco Lind BAUTISTA Thames
10115.808 J.P. Rasmus Lind Hill E5 Esco Brett Fucking Lawrie BAUTISTA Thames
10116.138 J.P. Hill Brett Fucking Lawrie Rasmus Thames Esco E5 BAUTISTA Lind
10116.310 J.P. E5 Brett Fucking Lawrie Hill Thames Esco Rasmus BAUTISTA Lind
10116.498 J.P. Hill Thames Rasmus Lind Esco E5 BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10116.534 J.P. Hill Brett Fucking Lawrie Rasmus E5 Esco Thames BAUTISTA Lind
10116.670 J.P. E5 Thames Hill Lind Esco Rasmus BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10117.504 J.P. Rasmus Brett Fucking Lawrie Hill Thames Esco E5 BAUTISTA Lind
10117.773 J.P. E5 Lind Hill Rasmus Esco Thames BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10117.864 J.P. Rasmus Thames Hill Lind Esco E5 BAUTISTA Brett Fucking Lawrie
10117.900 J.P. Rasmus Brett Fucking Lawrie Hill E5 Esco Thames BAUTISTA Lind
10118.111 J.P. Hill E5 Rasmus Thames Esco Brett Fucking Lawrie BAUTISTA Lind
10118.529 J.P. E5 Thames Hill Rasmus Esco Brett Fucking Lawrie BAUTISTA Lind
10118.884 J.P. Thames Brett Fucking Lawrie Hill E5 Esco Rasmus BAUTISTA Lind
10119.146 J.P. E5 Brett Fucking Lawrie Hill Rasmus Esco Lind BAUTISTA Thames
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