Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 03, 2007
Ranking the Sports

Compete looks at the internet traffic patterns of the four major sports. Football and Baseball are leaving the other two way behind. Also of interest is that while baseball and football peaks are about the same height, baseball does better in the off season.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:36 AM | Blogs | TrackBack (0)

I don't want to say that poor people are a large portion of NBA fans, but the game is a lot cheaper to play in a city, since there are usually courts and it's just a matter of having people and a ball. So I wonder if it's a net access type issue, because I know the NBA does have a decently strong fan base overall.

Another point of thought is that the play by play features on and are very good.

Posted by: Adam B. at January 3, 2007 05:46 PM

The previous commenter ignores the fact that the vast majority of NBA fans fit the exact same demographic profile as the other sports; is there an NFL or MLB franchise in those urban wastelands of Salt Lake City or Portland? The truth is that sucks, and there are a whole lot of great basketball sites out there. Why go to the official league website when you can hit up

Posted by: MCHardwood at January 3, 2007 10:04 PM
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